Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Flavors of the Season is based around eating local food, in season, because it is better for the consumer, and better for the environment. Recipes will be posted weekly, based upon typical Northwest seasonal foods (Should be about the same for most of the Northern U.S., as well as many other places.)

Eating locally reduces CO2 emissions by minimizing the use of planes, trucks, and ships that would typically be transporting your food. In America, the average calorie consumed takes NINE calories to produce! Wtf.

Not only is eating locally good for the environment, its good for YOU. It gets more fruits and veggies into the diet, and limits the amount of killer additives, like TBHQ (5 grams will kill you). Plus, being fresher, the food tastes much better, and it's a ton of fun to figure out what you can create with this week's CSA box, farmers market produce, or goods from the garden.


  1. Wow this is a really great idea. It's encouraging to see the younger generation taking an interest in locally produced food. Kudos!!!

  2. the food you are showing looks kinda nasty :/

  3. dude, nasty looking food is always the best tasting. M, this is a sweet blog, looks like to took time too, and even LDOG commented which makes it even better. you rock. peace

  4. My problem is I love oranges and grapefruit.

  5. The food doesn't look "nasty" at all. In fact, I was just commenting to your aunt (Mugsy-Margaret) that you had not only done a good job with the recipes and the writing, but that the photos were wonderful as well.
    ~Nora Lisius
