Got this crazy idea from this site, and found it pretty stunningly easy, as long as you have access to a cake decorating bag with some tips. It's not going to work very well if you are a Ziplock-bag-with-a-hole-cut-in-one-corner kind of person like me, since the fo od coloring will condense into droplets and run. I ended up having to duct tape the tip to my bag...hopefully you have less pathetic equipment.
Also, these cupcakes are special in more ways than just their decoration-each one has a different surpise hidden in the center. Some of these surprises were quite delectable, while others were less palatable. If you are looking for tasty surprises, I would advise nuts, nut butters, or fruits, such as cherries or strawberries for chocolate cupcakes. But it totally depends on what type of cupcakes you make. Apples and pears would go well in a spice cake.
"Surprises" I used:
Maraschino cherry
Peanut butter
and here it gets less appetizing,
Dried mango
Gouda cheese
Even I didn't know which cupcake contained which surprise.
To make the cupcakes, there are several cake recipes within this blog, such as Chocolate Raspberry Cake, and Caramel Latte Cake.
Make the cake recipe like normal, pour into greased or papered cupcake pans, and bake at 350˚F for 25-30 minutes.
You know how to make cupcakes, I bet.
Make the cake recipe like normal, pour into greased or papered cupcake pans, and bake at 350˚F for 25-30 minutes.
You know how to make cupcakes, I bet.
For the frosting, I used 1 pint of whipping cream, beaten until very thick and frosting-like (almost to the point of turning into butter), then added about 2 or 3 cups of powdered sugar, 1 tsp vanilla, and 1/2 tsp almond flavoring. But the frosting can vary, as long as it will hold it's shape.
For the coloring, check out Chica and Joe. They'll walk you through the whole process.
And don't forget surprises! Those are half the fun.
I had a little frosting left over, so I thought I'd make a lil' sundae out of it...
Not exactly something I'd like to find in a restaurant, but splendid, nonetheless.