1 can (about 15 oz.) coconut cream
1 can (again, about 15 oz.) coconut milk
1/2 cup milk or water (if making a vegan recipe)
1 tbsp yogurt or coconut milk yogurt, or appropriate cultures
Combine first three ingredients in large saucepan. Heat to 180˚F. Let the milk mixture cool to about 110˚F before mixing in the yogurt or cultures. While milk is cooling, prepare warm spot for yogurt to grow in (it should stay above about 90˚F for at least 8 hours, but if this isn't possible, keep it as warm as you can). A cooler with hot water and towels is what I usually use, and I have never had my yogurt not work. The water should be about 130˚ or 140˚, hot, but not boiling. Other options include crock pots, food dehydrators, or heated rooms. When milk has cooled to about 110˚F, stir in the yogurt or cultures. Pour into glass jar or container, and place in heated area for about 12-24 hours, depending on how thick you want your yogurt. For some reason that I cannot explain, coconut milk yogurt usually develops an egg-white-like layer. This can be dealt with by letting the yogurt drain in a towel or cheesecloth for a few hours. Eat the yogurt plain, or with honey or fruit. Yogurt can be stored in airtight container in fridge for several weeks.
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