Friday, February 1, 2013

Proportions for the Perfect Gooey Caramel

  • Melt sugar without water (or use 1 tsp per cup if sugar will not dissolve fast enough otherwise)
  • Dissolve desired amount of salt in half the amount of cream compared to the amount of sugar you used. (Ex: if you use 1 cup sugar, use 1/2 cup cream. For 2 cups sugar, use 1 cup cream). About 1/4 tsp salt per cup of cream is nice. 
  • When sugar is a dark amber color, stir in 2 tablespoons of butter per cup of sugar. 
  • Carefully pour in salted cream.
  • Caramel should drip easily off a spoon at this point. If not, or if undissolved chunks of sugar still exist, add a bit more cream. 
  • Stir until all large chunks of sugar are dissolved and caramel is smooth.
  • Use immediately (remembering to account for the fact that caramel will firm up as it cools), or refrigerate, for gooey perfection.