Saturday, July 9, 2011

Homemade Blender Mayonnaise (Joy of Cooking)

Mayonnaise is not worth consuming unless it is homemade, in my opinion.
This fabulous recipe is from the Joy of Cooking.

1 egg
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1 teaspoon salt
1 dash cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
1 cup vegetable oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice

Put in the blender container: egg, mustard, salt, cayenne, sugar and olive oil.
Cover and blend on high until thoroughly combined.
With blender still running, take off the cover and slowly add 1/2 cup vegetable oil,
and then the lemon juice until thoroughly blended.
Add slowly the remaining vegetable oil and blend until thick.
You may have to stop and start the blender to stir down the mayonnaise.
Yields 13/4 cup.


  1. This is a great recipe. Thanks for posting it. It takes a tiny bit of practice and you really have to follow the directions but, it is also really easy to do.

    1. I made the previous comment and wanted to add that I use an immersion blender and it is possible to double the recipe with the same success. No change in the directions, just in the quantities listed.

  2. Many years ago, we were newly married. Mom had given me a "Joy of Cooking" when we got married. Ran out of mayo and no money for more. Used this recipe and good. I never forgot it. 40 years later, I went to the store today 8/19/23 and price of mayo is insane!! So I think I will take out my old Joy of Cooking and try it again.

  3. I am in the process of purging my home of all plastic containers so will be making using this recipe every soon or as soon as I can get some glass storage jars. I have become aware of how much micro plastics we have in our bodies and most comes from the plastic in our life. 1 Liter plastic water bottle will have a 250,000 of these insidious little pieces of plastic for example.
